Jason Morrison has posted a poll on his personal website, inviting members of the public to vote on what he should call his baby, who is due in November.
Jason Morrison and his wife Ann have turned to the internet for help naming their baby. [Agencies]
He has proposed 17 different names – nine if the baby is a girl, eight if it’s a boy – and is also allowing visitors to the site to suggest their own alternatives.
Olivia currently has most votes in the girl category, some distance ahead of Ada in second place. Dylan is the most popular boy's name, although Alexander, Isaac, Levi and Nicholas have all received significant backing.
Mr Morrison, from Ohio in the United States, originally sent the link to friends and colleagues at Google, but his unique poll has now been picked up by several popular internet forums, and votes are flooding in.
The programmer and web developer says that he and his wife turned to the web after failing to find inspiration from baby name websites and other more orthodox sources.
“As a Googler, though, the answer should have been obvious - let the Internet do it,” he said.
“So that’s what we’re doing, opening up our baby’s name to an Internet-wide vote.”
Online polls have shown themselves vulnerable to mischievous surfers – football fans north of the border famously hijacked a poll to name a footbridge outside the new Wembley Stadium with a wave of votes for Scottish player Jim Baxter – so Mr Morrison and his wife have given themselves an escape clause.
“We do reserve the right to ignore the results of the poll completely. Otherwise we’ll end up with a kid named Mr Splashy Pants,” he writes on his blog.
His name should bi shiri ching youn pong ding dong lalu parsad bahadur lal shastri...
Usman Siddique
Hiya. Well, I've got lots of possible manes. Well, Let me think about this for a moment and I'll get back to you. Well, why not=Joann. Or, Lisa. And if it's a boy maybe=Damien.
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