Friday, October 10, 2008

Introducing the Google Breathalyzer

Goggle's Mail Goggles will help you in the blurry times. :: AP

If we scan the globe with Google Earth, will we actually be able to see Google extending its tentacles to every arena in the world? Ruling the search, e-mail and (possibly) phone worlds wasn't enough, so now Google's getting in on the breathalyzer action, too. Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to introduce you to Mail Goggles, a tool that, when enabled, forces users to answer math questions before sending regrettable late-night e-mails. It's the trusty, non-judgmental, sober friend you've always wanted. We're not sure where history will place this among the greatest inventions of all time, but we've got to assume it'll rank up there with the toothbrush, indoor plumbing and refrigeration.

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